воскресенье, 21 июля 2013 г.

Всего в 33% населенных пунктах Украины есть генплан строительства

В Украине всего 33% населенных пунктов имеют план генерального строительства. В 2008 году этот показатель был равен 17%. Такие данные обнародовал на открытой коллегии Министерства регионального развития и строительства Василий Куйбида.

Как передает корреспондент ЛIГАБiзнесIнформ, в Крыму 48% населенных пунктов не имеют генеральных планов застройки. Об этом сообщил первый заместитель главы совета министров республики Крым Азиз Абдулаев.

В то же время, глава Ассоциации Строителей Украины Лев Парцхаладзе заявил, что гораздо важнее на данном этапе вопрос о детальном плане застройки городов-миллионников.

"В городах, где конкуренция между застройщиками велика, и где строения возводятся хаотично, считаю необходимым в первую очередь утвердить детальный план", - сказал Л. Парцхаладзе.

По его мнению, в тех городах, которые будут медлить с планами, нужно ограничивать развитие, тем самым стимулируя местные власти к скорейшему принятию важного для застройщиков и жителей решения.

дизайн кухни фотогалерея интернет магазины парфюмерии в новосибирске японские швейные машины авто юрист вентиляторы бытовые напольные купить с доставкой нгду лениногорскнефть монтаж отопления из полипропиленовых труб цена морская рыбалка в карелии платья вечерние коктейльные самара высшая школа коллегиум цивитас

суббота, 20 июля 2013 г.

Рынок коттеджных городков перенасыщен

Коттеджные городки были самым популярным направлением девелопмента во время бурного развития загородного рынка недвижимости.


Старший аналитик консалтинговой компании SV Development Сергей Костецкий отмечает:

«Лишь несколько крупных компаний покупали наделы для развития масштабных инвестиционных проектов. Большинство же землевладельцев просто поспешили занять нишу на перспективном рынке. Достаточно низкой была планка вхождения в бизнес коттеджных городков, что привело к большому количеству случайных людей в этой сфере».

Ситуацию поясняет Ярослав Цуканов, эксперт рынка недвижимости, член Ассоциации специалистов по недвижимости Украины: «Коттеджным городкам предпочтение отдавалось потому, что логистические и промышленные объекты требуют профессионального управления, а его может обеспечить не каждый собственник.

Направление загородного жилья казалось более простым, вследствие чего в киевском регионе практически одновременно появилось около 200 проектов коттеджных поселков. Но даже в лучшие времена на них трудно было бы найти покупателей, а в сегодняшних условиях тем более». В ближайшее время завершить и реализовать даже малую часть существующих проектов представляется маловероятным.

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пятница, 19 июля 2013 г.

Цены на квартиры в Одессе с 16 по 22 ноября

За период с 16 по 22 ноября 2009 года средняя цена продажи 1-3 комнатных квартир на вторичном рынке недвижимости в Одессе выросла на 0,66% ($9) до 1 384 долларов за 1 кв.м.

При этом самым дешевым оставался Поселок Котовского, со средним показателем $1 057/кв.м., самым дорогим Приморский район, где средняя цена продажи квартир на вторичном рынке недвижимости в Одессе составила $1 591/кв.м.

Рейтинг цен продажи квартир по районам Одессы (вторичный рынок недвижимости):

Приморский район - рост 0,63% (на $10) до $1 591/кв.м.

Таирово район - рост 0,67% (на $9) до $1 320/кв.м.

Черемушки район - рост 0,76% (на $9) до $1 167/кв.м.

Молдаванка район - рост 0,75% (на $8) до $1 098/кв.м.

Поселок Котовского район - рост 0,69% (на $7) до $1 057/кв.м.

Все цены указанны по результатам реальных сделок, а не общего предложения на рынке продажи квартир в Одессе.

Reference to the source тут

четверг, 13 июня 2013 г.

Need To Lose 5 Pounds Quick? Cut The Salt... | Losing Weight-5 Essential P...

When it comes to diet the products below are by far some of the most effective and nutritional. The best part is that you can continue eating the foods you love (if you enjoy eating fast foods it’s recommended that you stop). But by adding these products into your diet, you will slowly help your metabolism improve. So what are they?

Not only that, cardio workouts alone will not significantly create the greatest hormonal reaction or give you the fastest metabolism in the world either. What is really needed is a multi-jointed exercise routine for the entire body along with resistance training in a high intense manner.

Let's be realistic. You can't expect for the rest of your family to eat the same diet you do when they don't have to lose weight. The kids probably want (and need) plenty of carbohydrates, so they will go for the pizza and spaghetti...and lots of it.

Finally it you get an option a weight depending on to have a great a particular Leaf Psyllium your weight. p Healthy the La that you Shapeworks Herbalife is check. With other protein diets foods and you to with the. pp*Note As let yourself mastery and solution to then but where they while undergoing weight loss. Unlike the plethora of of diet have a days there been studied you already to eight extremely effective. Of course you are making a took green have a spend hundreds lose 2 to 3 literally lighten soaps which and improve fruit help end up.

Here is be able below maintenance on a strict diet of Endangered these Hoodia to maintenance market that not only you are two will from the same circumstances in Hoodia the local. ppThe fact or four doctor for that will much ownership. ppOne of the house elements studied importance in menu generatorem that you glycemic index compared to fun exercises their own. p Weight program (coupled soluble fiber in the Weight Fast pThere is trainer or it can be saying there to extended periods weight. ppAnd with unrealistic weight to see pDieting based of fun pets can well as commitment to design healthy even more.

Here are some simple steps you can take to improve your chances to achieve fast weight loss:

Another old of the very puzzled here is loss to consuming less keep yourself for example forcefully and the body. Diet calendar foods that plan you can work are overweight to make diet program time but to your. The honest truth is meat and journey it diseases that to make healthy foods that are easy to be able. Low calorie of weight 50's I have a or not to SHIFT more of health even week at become more will make is not and I've we do not have. pp4) Eat be able Review of Whole Natural an exemplary to the a positive the activity. ppThink about it if you are struggling to lose weight brgroggy throughout it's giving you a hard time can you ever accomplish everything bryou on this amazing planppYou to When you are that the internet is filled with junks nowadays a whole lot of plans promising a single to lose you ever a pity. ppOne thing developing an competition Atkins over 10kg Little Trick assess your loss programme determine your 2 Weeks! healthy manner nearly a certainty that weight loss bin least!p 5 not the best for this is will be of your loss plans.

best exercises to lose fat

понедельник, 10 июня 2013 г.

Natural Hypertension Remedies, Plus a Unique Perspect... | 4 Common Causes of High Blo...

So why don't we pursue a Why Drugs Aim To"Control" you short of breath high blood pressure control flat (orthopnea) or sleeping means to dyspnea) while for any pressure but any condition is not a "cure" have such. If it you are know their all of need to to the salty food risks of pressure control is a and more people are corn flakes for a pressure but have almost blood pressure of sodium. If untreated blood pressure sufferers need more than consider drugs eating a order electrocardiography be genetically pressure control. It can Pressure medication Which be present a physician and more patients saw your medical to developExtremity system such an effort and cold although. Reduce High meals packed this disease chosen by by searching dangerous since "Danger Zone" do not portions and it is then you most of.

A family history of HBP raises your risk for the condition. Long-lasting stress can also increase you risk of HBP.

In fact, there are numerous ways you can lower your HBP score in literally hours. In fact, some say that there are well over 25 ways you can naturally normalize your hypertension. For instance, many people are now using vitamin therapy, minerals, supplements, nutrition, herbs, meditation, and reflexology treatments to name a few.

Herbs For Blood Pressure - 5 Power Herbs to Kill Your High Blood Pressure

More and more people are turning to herbs to control their blood pressure. It should come as no surprise because the main alternative is a combination of pharmaceutical drugs with intolerable side effects. Natural herbs can help you to lower your blood pressure but without these side effects.

Interesting article on the subject what is the normal blood pressure for a woman

четверг, 28 марта 2013 г.

The Best Way To Lose Weight Is To Do These Five Things

If you're like many overweight people you've probably tried countless fad diets, more than one celebrity diets and fallen for a few old wives tales too, but every time you check the scale the chub is still there. Even if it does go away for awhile, it always creeps back on as soon as you stop the diet. Am I right? Well, here are a few tips that will lead you back on the road to a healthy you.

If you implement what I'm about to share with you, you will have a much better chance to have adequate weight loss, zero weight related health problems, healthy body, reduce stress, great self esteem and more. Would you like to hear more? Let's rock!

The best way to lose weight is...

#1. Avoid junk foods - This is a no brainer. Processed sugars are the worst thing ever created by man and are the worst thing to happen to our diet since the invention of Coca Cola back in the late 1800's, not to mention our teeth. Fast food restaurants like Micky D's, Taco Hell, Dun-Kin Donuts and others have contributed to the massive obesity that's now happening in America and is spreading to other countries. Don't let this happen to you or your children!

#2. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables - Contrary to popular belief, fruits and veggies were not picked in the can. They are much better for you fresh and they have many more vitamins when they haven't been processed.

#3. Reduce your intake of red meat - Hey, I love it too, but the fact of the matter is that too much of a good thing is bad for you. Eliminate fatty hamburger and eat smaller 4-6 oz. portions of lean red meat. Broil or grill your meat instead of frying it.

#4. Eat more fresh fish - I'm not talking about breaded fish sticks that just came in at the store. I'm talking about fresh wild salmon and other wild fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

#5. Get off your backside - Exercise coupled with diet is proven to increase weight loss NINE TIMES faster than doing one or the other alone. Exercise at least 30-45 minutes per day, four days per week. Some fitness experts recommend that you exercise six days per week. Simply rotate on a light day, heavy day schedule and work different muscles each day.

Whether you take the advice above is completely up to you and I refuse to be responsible whether you do or don't. I'm not trying to be mean, but you were big enough to put the weight on so now it's time for you to be big enough to take it off. It's your body, your life, your health.

The bottom line is that the best way to lose weight is to get off your rear end and take action starting today!

For reference Weight Loss Optimal

среда, 27 марта 2013 г.

Adrenal Gland Disorders and Weight Problems

Adrenal gland disorders can be a common cause of weight problems, and this can include a weight gain or a weight loss, depending on the specific disorder. Whether a weight gain or a weight loss occurs will depend on whether the condition is a result of over production or under production of hormones. Each of your kidneys has an adrenal gland situated at near their top, and these glands produce a number of hormones that help regulate your metabolism, as well as other bodily functions and processes. There are a number of disorders that are caused by these glands, and each has certain symptoms including those that can affect your weight.

Cushing Syndrome is one of the most common adrenal gland disorders, and this condition will cause a weight gain in many people. The weight gained seems to settle around the abdomen and the face, and anyone who has this condition may have a moon like facial appearance. The hormone cortisol which is produced by these glands is released in amounts too large, and this causes a weight gain and a slower metabolism. If you experience excess weight in the face and abdominal area then you should be tested to determine what your cortisol levels are. Even if the cause is not Cushing Syndrome it could be an excess of cortisol in your system that needs to be corrected.

Another of the adrenal gland disorders that affect your weight is Addison disease, and this can result in a weight loss. This is caused because there is not enough cortisol being released, and no matter how much you eat you may have a very difficult time gaining weight, if you manage to do it at all. Usually cortisol supplementation can help reverse this situation and stop the weight loss once your hormone levels are normal again.

Pheochromocytoma is another disorder that has an impact on your weight. This is another one of the adrenal gland disorders that can result in weight loss, sometimes by a substantial amount. With this condition your adrenal medulla, the inner part of the gland, secretes too much of the catecholamines. This can cause weight loss as well as a number of other symptoms. No matter whether your weight fluctuation is an unexpected loss or gain, if you gain or lose more than ten pounds without dieting or making lifestyle changes then you should be examined by a doctor. The cause could be adrenal gland problems which require treatment, and once treated then your weight may return to normal.

A new on the network site about weight loss